Proverb: "Success comes from hard work" "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"
Chow Miscellaneous An
extract from a letter written by Chow specialist judge Shirley Varley published
in the Shirley
Varley writes; Thank
you for your kind invitation to judge at Fjellerad. On behalf of Peter Hollies and myself I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone for the warm and friendly welcome and the wonderful hospitality.
I was very impressed with my entry of Chow-chows. They would do well in many countries I am sure.
I was particularly pleased with temperaments which were excellent in most cases. All my principal winners I could have taken home with me and you should be proud of them all. They are a very happy and healthy crowd.
My BOB.- Sicocos Dodi- a new one to me and so completely balanced. A good mover with a very pleasing head. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him and was not disappointed on examination. I was pleased to learn he is now a Danish and Swedish Champion.
My BOS Finezias Surprise, a delightful blue bitch, again so beautifully balanced, which is most important to me. I find that size without balance is unacceptable. Again she is an excellent mover, presented and shown to perfection.
My best baby I see is from England Kwaitang Kool Khloe is a real little show girl, so full of confidence. She behaved herself beautifully and shows such promise. She was presented and handled well.
The best puppy, Melclare Merry Maid of Meg, a super young lady with everything in the correct place, again full of confidence and a real show girl, who was presented well.
veteran Cossiars Chasja was a credit to the breed and the owner. A very good 10
year old and an excellent colour, still with all her teeth.
you everyone for a lot of Happy Memories.